Responsible Growth & Sustainability


Engage Dentistry stakeholders with a comprehensive, understandable and transparent financial reporting system that educates and inspires ownership laying the foundation for sustainable growth.


Individual reports for FY15 used for this purpose are included in the ongoing transparency material below.

Success Measure

90% of the key stakeholder groups demonstrated a 17% improved understanding of the school's clinical and overall financial status as measured by pre- and post-surveys.


Completed: Jul 2015

Overall financial situation:

  1. FY2018

  2. FY2017

  3. FY2016

  4. FY2015

Clinic finances:

  1. FY2018

  2. FY2017

  3. FY2016

  4. FY2015

Research activity:

  1. FY2018

  2. FY2017

  3. FY2016

  4. FY2015

Presentations about the school's clinical and overall financial status are made to and feedback received from key stakeholder groups, as well as are made available to the entire school community via the intranet.

Completed: Dec 2014


Employ performance indicators that support decision-making linked to strategic priorities.


Establish an overall financial plan for the School

Success Measure

Establish criteria to measure success in terms of positive operating results for each of the next five years as demonstrated on the 5-year projection tool that is part of the Provost budget process.


Completed: Dec 2015

The overall financial plan was accepted by the School Leadership.


Create a dashboard that demonstrates the annual progress on the most salient factors in the overall financial plan. Show each item of the dashboard in terms of green - yellow - red indicators for progress toward goals so users can easily see where we stand in the action.

Completed: Jan 2017
The 15-16 overall financial presentation has been placed on the web accessible to the community. It has green - yellow - red indicators to serve as indicators for progress in each major component in the plan.


Identify sources of revenue and implement operational efficiencies focused on the school's missions resulting in sustainable growth. (Increase revenue, decrease expenses.)


Engage personnel for feedback to identify ideas that will achieve revenue growth and constrain expenses.

Success Measure

Six actionable ideas have been developed.


Completed: Jun 2018

Offer a one week preparation course for non-US trained dentists interested in applying for US DDS/DMD degree programs.

16 students have participated in the first on-site course.

Completed: Sep 2018
Synergy Dentist

Offer a one week preparation course for non-US trained dentist interested in applying for US DDS/DMD degree programs.

16 students have participated in the first on-site course.

Completed: Dec 2018

Expand the corporate footprint in the school.

1-2 faculty attend the 2019 Network of Academic Corporate Relations Officers (NACRO) meeting.

Completed: Feb 2020


Complete 2 corporate naming opportunities.

Completed: Jan 2020


Increase the number of philanthropy-based relationships from 2 to 10.

Completed: Jan 2020