Increase the number of faculty, staff, students and alumni from diverse backgrounds.


Construct and act upon a plan to recruit a diverse student body.

Success Measure

Increase the enrollment of students from diverse backgrounds for the Class of 2019.

For more information, please see the Recruiting Plan.

Completed: Dec 2014


Completed: Dec 2014

Reestablish the Profile for Success program, a pipeline program for encouraging
students from diverse backgrounds to pursue careers in dentistry.

Obtain support ($42,000) for the Summer 2015 program.

Completed: Nov 2014

Engage the alumni to support an endowment for the Profile for Success program to sustain it in perpetuity.

Establish the Profile for Success endowment with a lead gift of $75,000.

Completed: Jan 2015

The Profile for Success program is sustained for three years.

Support is obtained for 10 participants for 6 weeks.

Completed: Jun 2015

Establish an Ambassador program to assist with the recruitment of students.

Increase twofold from 2015 the number of students from diverse backgrounds that matriculate.

Sustain the 2016 count of students from diverse backgrounds that matriculate.

Completed: May 2016


Completed: Jun 2017

Engage the alumni to support an endowment for the Profile for Success program to sustain it in perpetuity.

Increase the Profile for Success endowment to $150,000.

Completed: Dec 2016

In response to the 2015 Climate Study, build into the fabric of the school ongoing cultural competency training.

100% of incoming dental students receive unconscious bias training.

Incoming dental, dental hygiene and graduate students receive unconscious bias training.

25% of faculty and staff unconscious bias training.

Planning for Cultural Competency training is added to the duties of the Office for Diversity and Inclusion.

Completed: May 2017

The Profile for Success program is sustained for three years.

Submit a grant to an external support.
Sept 2017: Internal funding received for 3 years.

Completed: Dec 2017

Establish an Ambassador program to assist with the recruitment of students.

Sustain the 2017 count of students from diverse backgrounds that matriculate.

Competed: Feb 2018

Develop a website to connect applicants from diverse backgrounds with student peers at the School of Dentistry.


Faculty who serve on search committees learn practices that help to make searches more successful by producing a more diverse candidate pool and hiring the most desirable candidates.

Website developed.


95% of faculty search committee members will attend a Strategies and Tactics for Recruiting to Increase Diversity and Excellence (STRIDE) workshop

30% of all faculty will attend at least one cultural competency workshop.

Completed: Jan 2018


Completed: Nov 2018

Faculty and staff routinely report on their diversity, equity and inclusions (DEI) activities of the past year and set a new goal for the coming year.

Pilot report is conducted during the Spring 2018 Faculty Annual Reviews.


Based on feedback, changes to the DEI report and goal setting are completed.

Completed: Jul 2018


Completed: Jan 2019

Candidates for faculty positions understand that our diversity, equity and inclusion are core values for the School of Dentistry.

95% of the school's faculty job postings include a request for a diversity statement during the 2019-2020 academic year.

Completed: Jun 2019


Search committees will have a tool to help them assess a candidate's diversity statement.

Completed: Sep 2019

Engage the alumni to support an endowment for the Profile for Success program to sustain it in perpetuity.



Create a staff advisory board that informs Leadership of staff perspectives.

Increase the Profile for Success endowment to $300,000.

(Support raised = $570,000)


Success Measure

  • Bylaws are written

  • New board is approved by the dean

  • The board is formed

Completed: Feb 2021


Completed: June 2022


Foster individualized career development and create an environment that inspires optimal, rewarding, and enjoyable faculty, staff, and student performance.


Complete climate study to determine current state of satisfaction of our dental school community.

  • Finalize the study.

  • Share results with school community.

  • Select one or two most critical areas to improve based on the study.

Success Measure


Completed: Jun 2015

Write a diversity, equity and inclusion strategic plan that aligns with the campus plan and resolves issues identified in by the Climate Study.

A new committee, MAC/Implementation Committee, is formed.

Respond to the recommendations in the Climate Study.

Submit an approved School of Dentistry diversity, equity and inclusion plan for incorporation into the campus plan.

Completed: Aug 2015


Completed: May 2016

Completed: Jan 2016

Seek feedback on the following:

Improvements suggested by the Multicultural Affairs Committee are incorporated.

Completed: Jan 2016

Pilot the Staff Mentorship and Ambassador Program with 4 existing staff.

4 staff are matched with a mentor, meet biweekly for 3 months and then monthly for three months.

Completed: Aug 2017

Make improvements to the Staff Mentorship and Ambassador Program.

Interview the 4 pilot mentees, as well as their supervisors and mentors to identify improvements to the program.

Completed: Sep 2017

Conduct a series of of cultural competency training sessions.

Student Attendance = 100%
Faculty and Staff Attendance => 20%

Completed: Jan 2018

Increase the awareness and engagement about sexual harassment and gender misconduct for all faculty, staff and students

25% of all faculty and staff attend a 1/2 day program on sexual harassment and gender misconduct.

Completed: Jun 2020

Increase the sense of community among the school's faculty and staff.

A series of three Safe Spaces sessions are held for faculty and staff.

Completed: Nov 2020


Unit managers host one virtual event for staff.

Completed: Nov 2020

Increase the sense of community among the school's students, faculty and staff.

A series of six race, anti-racism, and racial healing schoolwide sessions are held for faculty and staff to promote community and belonging.

Completed: Dec 2020