Gisele Neiva
Committee Liaison:
Jan Hu
Appointed Director for Predoctoral Digital Dental Technologies at 20% effort.
Incorporated digital dentistry into the predoctoral curriculum.
Conducted faculty training sessions for predoctoral computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) workflow for in-house manufacturing and established in-house fabrication operations.
Collaborated across schools for various resources to support the efforts of digital dentistry.
Drafted vision of the Digital Dentistry Innovation Center (DDIC).
Continue the Dental Technologies Committee review of proposals from faculty and students on adapting emerging technologies.
Assess needs for minimally invasive endoscopic and microscopic dentistry.
Plan faculty training sessions for predoctoral CAD/CAM teaching workflow and train 5-8 additional faculty in Fall 2023.
Develop a simplified DDIC visual plan.
Update DDIC opinion of probable cost.
Monitor check-in/check-out and storage room remodeling by dispensing and dental assistant staff.
The team ensures that all phases of implementation address the diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and needs of our target populations. Thoughtful incorporation of technology renders a higher level of dental care that is increasingly affordable and accessible to more individuals.