Increase the number of faculty, staff, students and alumni from diverse backgrounds.


Construct and act upon a plan to recruit a diverse student body.

Success Measure

Increase the enrollment of students from diverse backgrounds for the Class of 2019.

For more information, please see the Recruiting Plan.

Completed: Dec 2014


Completed: Dec 2014

Reestablish the Profile for Success program, a pipeline program for encouraging
students from diverse backgrounds to pursue careers in dentistry.

Obtain support ($42,000) for the Summer 2015 program.

Completed: Nov 2014

Engage the alumni to support an endowment for the Profile for Success program to sustain it in perpetuity.

Establish the Profile for Success endowment with a lead gift of $75,000.

Completed: Jan 2015

The Profile for Success program is sustained for three years.

Support is obtained for 10 participants for 6 weeks.

Completed: Jun 2015

Establish an Ambassador program to assist with the recruitment of students.

Increase twofold from 2015 the number of students from diverse backgrounds that matriculate.

Sustain the 2016 count of students from diverse backgrounds that matriculate.

Completed: May 2016


Completed: Jun 2017

Engage the alumni to support an endowment for the Profile for Success program to sustain it in perpetuity.

Increase the Profile for Success endowment to $150,000.

Completed: Dec 2016

In response to the 2015 Climate Study, build into the fabric of the school ongoing cultural competency training.

100% of incoming dental students receive unconscious bias training.

Incoming dental, dental hygiene and graduate students receive unconscious bias training.

25% of faculty and staff unconscious bias training.

Planning for Cultural Competency training is added to the duties of the Office for Diversity and Inclusion.

Completed: May 2017

The Profile for Success program is sustained for three years.

Submit a grant to an external support.
Sept 2017: Internal funding received for 3 years.

Completed: Dec 2017

Establish an Ambassador program to assist with the recruitment of students.

Sustain the 2017 count of students from diverse backgrounds that matriculate.

Competed: Feb 2018

Develop a website to connect applicants from diverse backgrounds with student peers at the School of Dentistry.


Faculty who serve on search committees learn practices that help to make searches more successful by producing a more diverse candidate pool and hiring the most desirable candidates.

Website developed.


95% of faculty search committee members will attend a Strategies and Tactics for Recruiting to Increase Diversity and Excellence (STRIDE) workshop

30% of all faculty will attend at least one cultural competency workshop.

Completed: Jan 2018


Completed: Nov 2018

Faculty and staff routinely report on their diversity, equity and inclusions (DEI) activities of the past year and set a new goal for the coming year.

Pilot report is conducted during the Spring 2018 Faculty Annual Reviews.


Based on feedback, changes to the DEI report and goal setting are completed.

Completed: Jul 2018


Completed: Jan 2019

Candidates for faculty positions understand that our diversity, equity and inclusion are core values for the School of Dentistry.

95% of the school's faculty job postings include a request for a diversity statement during the 2019-2020 academic year.

Completed: Jun 2019


Search committees will have a tool to help them assess a candidate's diversity statement.

Completed: Sep 2019

Engage the alumni to support an endowment for the Profile for Success program to sustain it in perpetuity.



Create a staff advisory board that informs Leadership of staff perspectives.

Increase the Profile for Success endowment to $300,000.

(Support raised = $570,000)


Success Measure

  • Bylaws are written

  • New board is approved by the dean

  • The board is formed

Completed: Feb 2021


Completed: June 2022


Foster individualized career development and create an environment that inspires optimal, rewarding, and enjoyable faculty, staff, and student performance.


Complete climate study to determine current state of satisfaction of our dental school community.

  • Finalize the study.

  • Share results with school community.

  • Select one or two most critical areas to improve based on the study.

Success Measure


Completed: Jun 2015

Write a diversity, equity and inclusion strategic plan that aligns with the campus plan and resolves issues identified in by the Climate Study.

A new committee, MAC/Implementation Committee, is formed.

Respond to the recommendations in the Climate Study.

Submit an approved School of Dentistry diversity, equity and inclusion plan for incorporation into the campus plan.

Completed: Aug 2015


Completed: May 2016

Completed: Jan 2016

Seek feedback on the following:

Improvements suggested by the Multicultural Affairs Committee are incorporated.

Completed: Jan 2016

Pilot the Staff Mentorship and Ambassador Program with 4 existing staff.

4 staff are matched with a mentor, meet biweekly for 3 months and then monthly for three months.

Completed: Aug 2017

Make improvements to the Staff Mentorship and Ambassador Program.

Interview the 4 pilot mentees, as well as their supervisors and mentors to identify improvements to the program.

Completed: Sep 2017

Conduct a series of of cultural competency training sessions.

Student Attendance = 100%
Faculty and Staff Attendance => 20%

Completed: Jan 2018

Increase the awareness and engagement about sexual harassment and gender misconduct for all faculty, staff and students

25% of all faculty and staff attend a 1/2 day program on sexual harassment and gender misconduct.

Completed: Jun 2020

Increase the sense of community among the school's faculty and staff.

A series of three Safe Spaces sessions are held for faculty and staff.

Completed: Nov 2020


Unit managers host one virtual event for staff.

Completed: Nov 2020

Increase the sense of community among the school's students, faculty and staff.

A series of six race, anti-racism, and racial healing schoolwide sessions are held for faculty and staff to promote community and belonging.

Completed: Dec 2020



All predoctoral dental graduates demonstrate critical thinking during the course of patient care.


Agree upon definition of critical thinking that can be used across the school.

Success Measure

Definition agreed upon and posted on Academic Affairs website or MiTools.


Completed: Jan 2015

Audit the Curriculum to determine where critical thinking is being taught and assessed.

The curriculum audit is documented in a report, and also in our 2016 accreditation self study.

2015 Curriculum Audit

Completed: Oct 2015

Map critical thinking skills development across the disciplines and vertically through the DDS curriculum.

Critical thinking skills are developed from D1-D4, in preclinics/clinics, biomedical sciences/oral medicine and vertically integrated through the foundation sciences and clinical didactic courses as measured by grading rubrics.

Completed: Dec 2015

Utilize clinical assessment to promote critical thinking by students in the course of patient care.

A standardized assessment, using a critical thinking rubric (a listing of assessment criteria, or what counts, and the levels of quality from excellent to poor), is implemented in the Comprehensive Care course.

A new clinical assessment tool is developed that measures a student’s ability to articulate their reasoning and provide evidence for their decisions in diagnosis, risk assessment, treatment planning and treatment delivery during the course of patient care.

100% of graduating dental students successfully articulate their reasoning and provide evidence for their decisions in diagnosis, risk assessment, treatment planning and treatment delivery during the course of patient care as measured by the new assessment instrument.

Completed: May 2017


Incorporate time, flexibility, and guidance in the curriculum to cultivate personalized student development.


Hire a director of Pathways Program, and Curriculum Assessment and Integration.

Success Measure

Hire a director.


Completed: Oct 2015

Redefine the structure of Pathways and its associated projects, electives and time based on outcomes data from students, faculty and staff.


A centralized student and faculty dashboard supports the assessment of clinical competency throughout the curriculum.

New Pathways structure defined.

Faculty Retreat.

Implement the new Pathways model.


Software selected.

Dashboard implemented.

Completed: Jul 2016

Completed: Jan 2016

Completed: Sep 2016


Completed: Dec 2017

Completed: May 2018

Increase the number of dental students participating in the immersion pathway doing basic sciences research.

20% of the predoctoral dental students select immersion track in research with at least half of those (≥10%) in basic sciences research.

Completed: Dec 2020

Increase the number of selective courses that demonstrate integration of the basic sciences in the clinical setting allowing students a stronger capacity to diagnose and a greater armamentarium of treatment options.

Two new courses that integrate basic and clinical sciences are created.

Completed: Winter 2021

A centralized student and faculty dashboard supports the academic progression throughout the curriculum.

Dashboard implemented.

Completed: Jun 2020


The Biomedical and Foundation Science curriculum is integrated, clinically relevant and uses a layered learning approach to develop competency in applying science to patient care.


Conduct a series of Faculty Development Workshops that train faculty in engaged learning techniques.

Success Measure

Recruit a director of faculty development.


Completed: Jun 2018

Conduct a series of Faculty Development Workshops that train faculty in engaged learning techniques.

Plan and conduct 3 faculty development courses:

  1. Introduction to teaching, clinical teaching and course directorship

  2. Inclusive teaching practices

  3. Clinical teaching and calibration of clinical competency in the School of Dentistry clinics and Community-Based Collaborative Care and Education sites

Completed: Jun 2019

Reevaluate the role of the medical school and dental faculty in design and implementation of the biomedical and foundation sciences curriculum.

Identify School of Dentistry faculty to direct the biomedical systems courses.

Completed: Sep 2019


Define a process for the School of Dentistry Biomedical Sciences co-directors to communicate with and facilitate the integration of biomedical systems courses including Pharmacology, histology, anatomy and I and I

Completed: Sep 2020


Provide unique curricular and extracurricular opportunities for dental and dental hygiene students to participate in global initiatives programs.

These programs will be designed to enrich student’s understanding in global health, cultural intelligence, creating sustainable and responsible community-based preventive programs, different health education models and health care systems.


Create at least four global initiative programs designed to provide a distinct learning experience for the students.

Success Measure

Four or more programs have been created and are operational.


Completed: Mar 2018

Develop and implement a fair and effective system to select students for the programs.

Selection system has been developed and implemented with students for 2018 programs selected using the system.

Completed: Jan 2018

Create a new Pathways Elective Course to provide didactic material and allow for structured discussions with all the participating students.

Course is designed and approved by the UMSoD.

Completed: Feb 2018


Course is operational.

Completed: Sep 2018

Develop a multi-dimensional assessment system to evaluate the impact of the experience on students.

Assessment is developed and being used for all programs.

Completed: Feb 2018

Research & Discovery


Our research enterprise embraces collaborative science.

Multiple PI grants out number single PI grants.

The Office of Research hosts a retreat to discuss multiple PI grant applications and target a few possible applications.

Completed: Feb 2020


To bolster our research programs to ensure excellence and stability.


Create a schoolwide mentoring plan that aligns with departmental mentoring plans and addresses the needs of faculty at all levels: junior, mid-career, and senior.

Success Measure

100% of tenure track assistant professors are actively working with a mentoring team by January 2016.


Completed: Jan 2016

Implement the critical portions of the strategy.

A mentoring program is in place to support 100% of associate professors and professors without extramural funding to successfully apply for extramural funding.

Completed: Jan 2016

Establish an oversight and facilitation process for all clinical trials at the School of Dentistry.

A review committee to oversee all human and clinical research activity in the School of Dentistry is established.

Completed: Jan 2019

New policies will support research in the new research addition as well as current research throughout the School of Dentistry.

A new research space policy will be written, vetted and adopted.

Completed: Apr 2019

Research labs use electronic laboratory notebooks to for their research records.

5 research labs use Lab Archives instead of paper notebooks to store research data.

Completed: Jun 2020

Educate the School of Dentistry community about the importance of data science to the future of dental research.

Host one data science seminar as a part of the OHS/PhD Seminar Series.

Completed: Jun 2021


Advance the school research foci in an environment that fosters collaboration, cooperation and resource sharing.


Draft a research incentive program which supports the transition to independent funding that covers the faculty responsibility (FR) portion of the a faculty member's salary.

Success Measure

Draft document is ready for vetting with the faculty.


Completed: Jan 2017

Vet the proposed research incentive program with the tenure track faculty.

Revised program is ready for piloting with the faculty.

Completed: Apr 2017

Pilot the revised research incentive program with two tenure track faculty.

Pilot faculty earn a greater portion of their FR than the previous year.

Completed: Apr 2017


Accentuate the school's stature as a center for outstanding research training with seamless incorporation of research into education and patient care.


Establish a research training program for principal investigators and study team members to promulgate best practices. It should occur during the on-boarding process and at annual intervals thereafter.

Success Measure

Principal investigator training program developed and launched.


First training session held and participants report research operations knowledge improved.

Study Team training program developed and launched.


Complete: Mar 2017


Completed: Sep 2017


Our research enterprise embraces collaborative science.

Success Measure

Increase the number of multi PI grant application from 9 to 12


Multiple PI grants out number single PI grants.

Completion : Jul 2021


New policies will support research in the new research addition as well as the current research space throughout the School of Dentistry.

Applications 2018 2019 2020
Multiple PI 12 9 16
Total 126 133 108

A management plan for collaborative research space will be written by the occupants.


Completion : June 2020


The patient health record is used consistently throughout the school.



Quantify how each clinic in the school uses the health history, sedation and implant consents, exam findings, and consult visits.

Completion: Jun 2020

(Completed: Health history and sedation and implant consents.)

Success Measure

School standards are developed for health history, sedation and implant consents, exam findings, and consult visits.


Completion: Jun 2022

A school standard for external referrals and replies is developed and implemented.

Patient Care


Develop unique interdisciplinary/interprofessional programs that include education, patient care and research.


Convene an interdisciplinary task force to investigate interdisciplinary programs at the graduate level.

Success Measure

Submit a report with recommendations to the dean.


Completed: Nov 2016

Develop and launch patient satisfaction surveys of patients seen in the graduate programs.

First surveys distributed.

Completed: Sep 2018


Improve the patient experience at the UM School of Dentistry.


Convene a group of faculty, students, and staff to design and carry out strategies to decrease the time it takes for a new patient:

  1. To have their appointment in the Patient Admitting and Emergency Services (PAES) clinic.

  2. To have their treatment plan completed.

Success Measure

Decrease the time a new patient waits for an appointment in the Patient Admitting and Emergency Services (PAES) clinic from 34 days (measured in 2007) to 21 days.

Decrease the time it takes, once a student dentist is notified that they have a new patient, for the treatment plan to be completed from 50 days (measured in 2007, 44 days measured in 2011) to 30 days.


Completed Nov 2015


Completed: Dec 2016

Treatment plans for new patient completed in 29 days


Engage the University of Michigan constituency through a focused marketing plan.


Improve the appearance and functionality of our web site for patients.

Success Measure

An interactive hands-on session with students, faculty and staff to gather is completed.


Completed: Dec 2017

Gather feedback regarding the interface of the Patient Care website.

Evaluate weekend clinics as a method of screening new patients.

Upgrade the interface for the Patient Care website.

Completed: Oct 2016


Number of visits each month improves 10% with new webpage design.

Completed: Oct 2017

Number of visits increased 13% in the year after the launch of the revised website

Evaluate weekend clinics as a method of screening new patients.

Complete 1 weekend clinic.

Completed: Mar 2018

Create a portal for outside dentists to make referrals.

Portal for external referrals is created and used by 2 departments.

Completed: Jun 2018


Oral Surgery online referral

Completed: May 2018

Implement a multi-faceted marketing plan consisting of:

  • Michigan Radio: 2-3 ads/week for FY19 

  • U-M Blue Buses: ads on the buses for 4 months during FY19

  • U-M Record: 2 ads/month for Pediatric Dentistry and the graduate clinics for 9 months during FY19

2% increase in Patient Care website hits.

Completed: Mar 2020

Implement a multi-faceted marketing plan consisting of:

  • Michigan Radio: 2-3 ads/week for FY19 

  • U-M Blue Buses: ads on the buses for 4 months during FY19

  • U-M Record: 2 ads/month for Pediatric Dentistry and the graduate clinics for 9 months during FY19

2% increase in Patient Care website hits.

Completed: Mar 2020

Create a student voucher program.

50 vouchers for a free exam and x-rays are used by patients.

Completed: Sep 2019

Develop an online request for an initial appointment website

50% of appointments requested through the website are kept in the first 6 months.

Completed: Sep 2019


Develop unique interdisciplinary/interprofessional programs that include education, patient care and research.


Convene an interdisciplinary task force to investigate interdisciplinary programs at the graduate level.

Success Measure

Submit a report with recommendations to the dean.


Completed: Nov 2016

Convene an interdisciplinary group to plan the implementation of the recommendations of the November 2016 Interdisciplinary Program Group report.

Implementation plan completed.

Completed: Aug 2017

Interdisciplinary Implementation Committee makes recommendations for improvements in the graduate programs.

Report completed.

Completed: Apr 2017

Recruit a Director of Interdisciplinary Programs to implement the recommendations of the Interdisciplinary Program Group.

Director hired.

Completed: Apr 2018


Providers consistently record, report, analyze and resolve patient care quality issues through system-wide improvements.


Establish baseline measure of the quality of complete dentures delivered by students.

Success Measure

A review of 500 complete denture cases is completed.


Completed: Mar 2021

Responsible Growth & Sustainability


Engage Dentistry stakeholders with a comprehensive, understandable and transparent financial reporting system that educates and inspires ownership laying the foundation for sustainable growth.


Individual reports for FY15 used for this purpose are included in the ongoing transparency material below.

Success Measure

90% of the key stakeholder groups demonstrated a 17% improved understanding of the school's clinical and overall financial status as measured by pre- and post-surveys.


Completed: Jul 2015

Overall financial situation:

  1. FY2018

  2. FY2017

  3. FY2016

  4. FY2015

Clinic finances:

  1. FY2018

  2. FY2017

  3. FY2016

  4. FY2015

Research activity:

  1. FY2018

  2. FY2017

  3. FY2016

  4. FY2015

Presentations about the school's clinical and overall financial status are made to and feedback received from key stakeholder groups, as well as are made available to the entire school community via the intranet.

Completed: Dec 2014


Employ performance indicators that support decision-making linked to strategic priorities.


Establish an overall financial plan for the School

Success Measure

Establish criteria to measure success in terms of positive operating results for each of the next five years as demonstrated on the 5-year projection tool that is part of the Provost budget process.


Completed: Dec 2015

The overall financial plan was accepted by the School Leadership.


Create a dashboard that demonstrates the annual progress on the most salient factors in the overall financial plan. Show each item of the dashboard in terms of green - yellow - red indicators for progress toward goals so users can easily see where we stand in the action.

Completed: Jan 2017
The 15-16 overall financial presentation has been placed on the web accessible to the community. It has green - yellow - red indicators to serve as indicators for progress in each major component in the plan.


Identify sources of revenue and implement operational efficiencies focused on the school's missions resulting in sustainable growth. (Increase revenue, decrease expenses.)


Engage personnel for feedback to identify ideas that will achieve revenue growth and constrain expenses.

Success Measure

Six actionable ideas have been developed.


Completed: Jun 2018

Offer a one week preparation course for non-US trained dentists interested in applying for US DDS/DMD degree programs.

16 students have participated in the first on-site course.

Completed: Sep 2018
Synergy Dentist

Offer a one week preparation course for non-US trained dentist interested in applying for US DDS/DMD degree programs.

16 students have participated in the first on-site course.

Completed: Dec 2018

Expand the corporate footprint in the school.

1-2 faculty attend the 2019 Network of Academic Corporate Relations Officers (NACRO) meeting.

Completed: Feb 2020


Complete 2 corporate naming opportunities.

Completed: Jan 2020


Increase the number of philanthropy-based relationships from 2 to 10.

Completed: Jan 2020


Determine if Telehealth can improve communication between faculty and Community-Based Collaborative Care and Education students at off-site clinics.


Organize and conduct pilot Telehealth sessions.

Success Measure

One site is selected and the workflow drafted.


Completed: Sep 2019

 Learning Health System


Provide patients and care providers with timely, relevant data to optimize clinical decision making.


Decrease the number of cancelled appointments/no shows.

Success Measure

Two clinics (Graduate Periodontics and the Vertically Integrated Clinics (predoctoral) increase their use of text messages for patient reminders from 1.5% to 25%.


Completed: Dec 2019

Optimize student clinical rotation changes

Analyze pattern of student rotation requests (e.g., reasons, higher users, by clinics) and give feedback to stakeholders.

Completed Feb 2021

Build a strong collaboration with the U-M Learning Health Sciences community

Organize the first collaborative U-M Medical-Dental Learning Health Systems Conference - Digital Transformation in Healthcare for a Diverse World. Presenters should be national and international leaders.

Completed: Feb 2021

Dental Technologies section in Achievements


Enrich the entire school community by researching distinctive ways to share dental technology with local and global communities to improve access to care, patient experience, and dental education.


Create a shared vision for dental technology that supports the School of Dentistry's education mission and advances the patient care provided by our students.

Success Measure

The Dental Technology Team writes a shared vision.


Completed: Dec 2019

Communicate the shared vision with the school community.

Completed Feb 2020

Graduates are prepared to use dental technology in their patient care.

Determine the dental technology learning goals that students should be able to achieve upon graduation.

Develop an initial curriculum plan for restorative dentistry that incorporates the use of intraoral scanners.

Explore additional student learning experiences that use augmented reality and/or virtual reality to support critical thinking and development of clinical skills.

Completed: Mar 2020


Completed: May 2020


Achieve by: Jan 2021




Increase the mentoring provided to dental students to allow them to grow clinically and to better meet the needs of their patients.


Implement the Faculty Coach model with D3s.

Success Measure

All D3 students are assigned a faculty coach with whom they meet monthly to review their patients.


Completed: May 2020


Implement the Faculty Coach model to include D3s and D4s.


All dental students are assigned a faculty coach with whom they meet monthly to review their progress and the progress of their patients.


On Schedule

Achieve By: June 2022
