All predoctoral dental graduates demonstrate critical thinking during the course of patient care.
Agree upon definition of critical thinking that can be used across the school.
Success Measure
Definition agreed upon and posted on Academic Affairs website or MiTools.
Completed: Jan 2015
Audit the Curriculum to determine where critical thinking is being taught and assessed.
The curriculum audit is documented in a report, and also in our 2016 accreditation self study.
Completed: Oct 2015
Map critical thinking skills development across the disciplines and vertically through the DDS curriculum.
Critical thinking skills are developed from D1-D4, in preclinics/clinics, biomedical sciences/oral medicine and vertically integrated through the foundation sciences and clinical didactic courses as measured by grading rubrics.
Completed: Dec 2015
Utilize clinical assessment to promote critical thinking by students in the course of patient care.
A standardized assessment, using a critical thinking rubric (a listing of assessment criteria, or what counts, and the levels of quality from excellent to poor), is implemented in the Comprehensive Care course.
A new clinical assessment tool is developed that measures a student’s ability to articulate their reasoning and provide evidence for their decisions in diagnosis, risk assessment, treatment planning and treatment delivery during the course of patient care.
100% of graduating dental students successfully articulate their reasoning and provide evidence for their decisions in diagnosis, risk assessment, treatment planning and treatment delivery during the course of patient care as measured by the new assessment instrument.
Completed: May 2017
Incorporate time, flexibility, and guidance in the curriculum to cultivate personalized student development.
Hire a director of Pathways Program, and Curriculum Assessment and Integration.
Success Measure
Hire a director.
Completed: Oct 2015
Redefine the structure of Pathways and its associated projects, electives and time based on outcomes data from students, faculty and staff.
A centralized student and faculty dashboard supports the assessment of clinical competency throughout the curriculum.
New Pathways structure defined.
Faculty Retreat.
Implement the new Pathways model.
Software selected.
Dashboard implemented.
Completed: Jul 2016
Completed: Jan 2016
Completed: Sep 2016
Completed: Dec 2017
Completed: May 2018
Increase the number of dental students participating in the immersion pathway doing basic sciences research.
20% of the predoctoral dental students select immersion track in research with at least half of those (≥10%) in basic sciences research.
Completed: Dec 2020
Increase the number of selective courses that demonstrate integration of the basic sciences in the clinical setting allowing students a stronger capacity to diagnose and a greater armamentarium of treatment options.
Two new courses that integrate basic and clinical sciences are created.
Completed: Winter 2021
A centralized student and faculty dashboard supports the academic progression throughout the curriculum.
Dashboard implemented.
Completed: Jun 2020
The Biomedical and Foundation Science curriculum is integrated, clinically relevant and uses a layered learning approach to develop competency in applying science to patient care.
Conduct a series of Faculty Development Workshops that train faculty in engaged learning techniques.
Success Measure
Recruit a director of faculty development.
Completed: Jun 2018
Conduct a series of Faculty Development Workshops that train faculty in engaged learning techniques.
Plan and conduct 3 faculty development courses:
Introduction to teaching, clinical teaching and course directorship
Inclusive teaching practices
Clinical teaching and calibration of clinical competency in the School of Dentistry clinics and Community-Based Collaborative Care and Education sites
Completed: Jun 2019
Reevaluate the role of the medical school and dental faculty in design and implementation of the biomedical and foundation sciences curriculum.
Identify School of Dentistry faculty to direct the biomedical systems courses.
Completed: Sep 2019
Define a process for the School of Dentistry Biomedical Sciences co-directors to communicate with and facilitate the integration of biomedical systems courses including Pharmacology, histology, anatomy and I and I
Completed: Sep 2020
Provide unique curricular and extracurricular opportunities for dental and dental hygiene students to participate in global initiatives programs.
These programs will be designed to enrich student’s understanding in global health, cultural intelligence, creating sustainable and responsible community-based preventive programs, different health education models and health care systems.
Create at least four global initiative programs designed to provide a distinct learning experience for the students.
Success Measure
Four or more programs have been created and are operational.
Completed: Mar 2018
Develop and implement a fair and effective system to select students for the programs.
Selection system has been developed and implemented with students for 2018 programs selected using the system.
Completed: Jan 2018
Create a new Pathways Elective Course to provide didactic material and allow for structured discussions with all the participating students.
Course is designed and approved by the UMSoD.
Completed: Feb 2018
Course is operational.
Completed: Sep 2018
Develop a multi-dimensional assessment system to evaluate the impact of the experience on students.
Assessment is developed and being used for all programs.
Completed: Feb 2018